
domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

BR-600. Our initial advices ( Part 1 )

In this new entry we would bring our recommendations to the start time on self-producing music. This issue is so broad as complicated, and not success for a formula magistral for perfect results (this is what you will hear them all) but we will try to start with a simple base, then go to focus on aspects that we cover in our possibilities or you are most interested.

Although we focus on the incredible possibilities of recorders BOSS BR Series, you will see that all will be applicable to any work environment.

Of course, you must take it as a very personal advice. And given the amount of aspects to take into account, we will divide this in several chapters. We also look forward to your contributions and experiences. This way we can all improve our productions.

We will begin reviewing specific aspects, so if you have any questions or are just starting, you can send your queries.


Several presert are designed  for a stereo output. You can distinguish them because on the effect chain they are joined by the sign =, insteed the sign -. In orden to ear the result you have to use the reserved tracks (5/6 and 7/8) or select two tracks at the same time.

The stereo effects give you a special colorful to our guitar, but we found that when there're some guitars, this kind of effects may generate a sound not too clean. Therefore, we opted to burn tracks as "mono" or make a stronger separation between the channels.

We keep using the stereo effect when this is an unique guitar, or when this guitar is on the background.

To keep a clean sound, we apply more reverb to the sound and controle the volume to leave it behind the main sounds.

- REVERB y VOLUME applied on the INPUT and in the reproduction.

Other of the aspects that we have seen that can make a dirty sound on the BR, is the amout of Reverb applied on the Input. We often remove all the Reveb on the Input, and after we adjust the amount at play time.

This is quite effective especially in the distortioned guitars.

Following with the BR, other very important aspect is the INPUT and REC LEVEL volumen. A very high volumen on the entry may add more distortion to the signal. On the bass simulator and on the acoustic guitar this produce many noise. With the distortioned guitars, opposite happens, may give more bright to the sound.

Altrough the manual said that the PEAK level may flash some times, we try to don't reach these levels for the accoustic effects and the bass. Then we can adjust the volumen on the BOUNCE step.

Must be taken into account that if the signal was recorded noisy, we never could fixed. However, we can give more volumen on subsequent steps.

==--o--==* ==--o--==* ==--o--==* ==--o--==* ==--o--==* We hope that you enjoyed this fist post.
On the next one we will focused on the panning
Best regards

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